EMDR Therapy

Healing’s not just a possibility… it’s a promise!

552896524That’s because we’re going right to the source.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a therapeutic approach that taps into your brain’s innate ability to process and heal from past traumatic experiences. It works by helping you reprocess distressing memories and emotional wounds stored in your psyche and nervous system.

Imagine your mind as a library filled with books containing the stories of your life – some joyful, others painful. EMDR is like a skilled librarian, guiding you through the shelves of your mind to reorganize these stories to promote healing and resilience.

It’s an incredibly effective therapy for PTSD, trauma, and a variety of other emotional challenges.

Here’s how it works…

During an EMDR session, we’ll use bilateral stimulation (e.g., side-to-side eye movements, auditory tones, or tactile sensations) to engage both hemispheres of the brain.

During this stimulation, I’ll help you access distressing memories in a safe, controlled environment. We’re retraining your brain to shed the emotional charge associated with those memories. After each session, we make sure you feel okay and grounded, and we reassess your progress to see what else we need to work on.

Over several sessions, we’ll install and reinforce positive beliefs about yourself surrounding the painful memory. In time, the memory is fully “reprocessed,” integrating the fragmented pieces of a painful past.

It’s like untangling a knot, one thread at a time, until the tapestry of your life is restored to its natural beauty.

2323348775I take EMDR even further.

I’ve received additional training to incorporate Internal Family Systems (IFS) and Attachment-Based Theory into EMDR therapy. These additional frameworks give you deeper insight into the dynamics behind your experience, allowing for more targeted, holistic healing.


Deeper understanding…

IFS delves into the complexities of the psyche, helping you identify and address various parts of yourself, including those that have been wounded and created to protect you. A deeper understanding of your internal dynamics fosters self-compassion and inner harmony.

Targeted healing…

With IFS-based EMDR, we target specific parts of your traumatic experiences, facilitating healing at a profound level. This targeted approach allows for comprehensive healing, addressing the symptoms and underlying causes of distress.

Sustainable transformation…

By addressing internal conflicts and fostering self-compassion, IFS-based EMDR promotes sustainable transformation. You’ll develop greater resilience and self-awareness, paving the way for long-term healing and growth.

769824457Attachment-Based EMDR

Healing relationship wounds…

Attachment-Based EMDR focuses on addressing attachment-related wounds stemming from early relational experiences. By integrating attachment theory into EMDR therapy, you’ll heal relationship wounds and cultivate greater security and resilience in your interpersonal connections.

Reprogramming belief systems…

Attachment-Based EMDR facilitates the reprocessing of beliefs about yourself and others formed in early attachment relationships. You can reprogram maladaptive beliefs through targeted interventions, fostering healthier relationship dynamics and greater self-esteem.

Enhancing emotional regulation…

By addressing attachment-related wounds, Attachment-Based EMDR promotes enhanced emotional regulation and interpersonal functioning. You’ll experience greater stability in your relationships and a deeper sense of security.

I’m here for you.

EMDR therapy is a powerful pathway to healing and transformation, rooted in compassion, empowerment, and resilience.

It’s safe and effective, and it’s there for the taking.

If you’re ready to embark on the journey towards healing…

Let’s rewrite your life story. I would love to meet you and answer your questions during your free consultation: (949) 257-2229.

1451195096Here are some of the many reasons to do EMDR.

Deep emotional healing…

EMDR is a safe, productive way to access and integrate distressing memories and painful emotions.

Release of traumatic energy…

EMDR therapy provides a safe and structured environment for releasing this trapped mental and physical energy, resulting in relief, lightness, and liberation from the weight of the past.

Integration of fragmented memories…

Traumatic memories are often fragmented and disorganized, making them difficult to process and make sense of. EMDR therapy creates a coherent narrative of your past experiences, offering you resolution and closure.

Restoration of inner harmony…

EMDR therapy helps restore inner harmony by dealing with feelings of disconnection, emptiness, and fragmentation. By reconciling conflicting emotions and beliefs, you’ll achieve a sense of wholeness.

Healing of wounded parts…

By accessing these wounded parts in a safe and supportive environment, we’ll nurture and heal them.

Transformation of core beliefs…

Traumatic experiences can give you negative core beliefs about yourself, others, and the world. Through EMDR therapy, we’ll replace them with more adaptive, empowering beliefs that support healing, growth, and resilience.

Reconnection with inner resources…

Let’s tap into your innate resilience, wisdom, and capacity for healing so you can navigate life’s challenges with greater confidence and self-assurance.

Enhanced problem-solving skills…

Processing past traumas and negative beliefs often enhances problem-solving skills and adaptive coping strategies. EMDR therapy promotes cognitive flexibility and resilience.

Greater emotional intelligence…

EMDR Therapy improves self-awareness, enabling you to recognize, label, and regulate your emotions more effectively.

Better sleep…

Addressing and resolving emotional distress often reduces nighttime arousal or nightmares, giving you more restful, rejuvenating sleep.

Enhanced empathy and compassion…

You’ll develop greater empathy and compassion for yourself and others as you heal from your traumas and emotional wounds.

More freedom and autonomy…

EMDR therapy empowers you to let go of old patterns and limitations, permitting you to live more authentically and intentionally.

Heightened sense of purpose and meaning…

By confronting and transcending past traumas, you’ll gain clarity and perspective on their values, passions, and goals, leading to a deeper sense of fulfillment and satisfaction.

Breakthrough insights…

EMDR therapy often facilitates breakthrough insights and deepened self-understanding, allowing individuals to gain clarity and perspective on their past experiences, behavior patterns, and core beliefs. This increased awareness enables clients to make positive changes and choices aligned with their values and goals.

Improved physical health…

In addition to addressing psychological symptoms, EMDR therapy can reduce physical symptoms associated with trauma and stress, such as headaches, gastrointestinal issues, chronic pain, and autoimmune disorders.

1716393691Increased creativity and productivity…

As you release the emotional burdens of past traumas and negative beliefs, you’ll find yourself more open and receptive to new experiences, ideas, and opportunities. Pursue your passions and goals with renewed energy and enthusiasm!

Enhanced spiritual connection…

By confronting and transcending past traumas, you may experience a renewed sense of faith, a connection to something greater than yourself, or a realignment of your spiritual beliefs and values.

Empowerment through self-care…

By cultivating self-compassion, self-awareness, and self-advocacy, you’ll become an active participant in your healing journey, equipped with the tools and resources to thrive.

A healing legacy…

Confronting and processing your traumas can break intergenerational cycles of pain and suffering, creating a legacy of healing and resilience for future generations.